Fox Chapel Golf Club

Fox Chapel Golf Club
Fox Chapel Golf Club

Friday, January 30, 2015

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

East Wing concrete floor set - structural steel starts for roof

Kitchen ready for concrete floor pour

Excavator in Grill Room for ditching and backfill

Framing in old windows of the breakroom for common wall construction

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

Crane for setting kitchen grease trap

1500 gallon grease trap for kitchen

Grease trap placed

New golf operations and bag storage area

Craning in structural steel for placement

East Wing structural steel placement

Old employee breakroom

New laundry area with drain trough

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

Administration office roof work
Administration wing floor system     

Lower level Administration wing
Basement of existing building
Craning in the concrete floor slabs 

Lining and securing concrete slabs
Placing the concrete floor of the golf operations
Excavation of the kitchen floor

Kitchen drain lines
Kitchen dish washing area
New electrical room in basement

Friday, January 23, 2015

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

Structural beams being placed for East Wing Addition

Back of House Office, Laundry and Break room area

View of Administration Wing 

Excavation area for new grease trap by Administration Wing

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

Structural steel in place for East Wing addition

Demolition of Grill Room restrooms

Cast iron drain line installation in Kitchen

Excavation for new 1500 gallon grease trap 

Foundation of Administration Wing 

Lower level Administration Wing back of House Kitchen

Back of House laundry and office areas

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

Structural steel being set at East Wing addition

Craning in Steel for East addition

Structural steel complete at Administrative Offices

Kitchen floor trenching for drain lines

Back of House Offices, Laundry, and Break room 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

Concrete cut for trench drain pipe under Grill Room 

Concrete cut for drain line under Grill Room

Demolition of Grill Room Restrooms

  Demolition of old dumb waiter

Doorway into new electrical room in basement

Structural steel beams for Administrative Offices

Kitchen concrete floor being cut for drain lines

East Wing sub grade preparation for slab

Removal of storage units from the back of the Clubhouse

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fox Chapel Revitalized Progress Photos

Administrative Office Construction Area

Structural Beams for Administrative Offices

Kitchen Demolition 

Beginning of Kitchen Demolition